Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Knife Update"

Well now that the Auction is complete, it's time for a progress report on the Knives.
Finally I was able to complete the Machining on the frames (really I'm done).
These last operations were to add the Lock Bar stabilizer system.
Up next, I need to put the final edges on the blades.
Then the final assembly can begin.
As always Thanks for following, Kenn


vegassprky said...

Kenn, thanks for the update!!! Looks great!!! Gary :>)

Wes said...

Really digging the molds you created for these Kenny. Cool WIP pics


Gary and two better be rocking one of these when they are ready :)

localguy said...

Kenn, thank you for the update. It's all coming together quite nicely. :)

Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

Thanks guys,
I'm trying hard to get these completed.
I appreciate everyones patience.