Thursday, November 4, 2010

"So What's Going On?"

Hello there folks,
I've been battening down around the house for the impending Winter months.
Had to stack 4 cord of wood in the basement, and another 4 outside on pallets.
Rotate out all the Summer season implements with the Winter ones.
So the last few weekends were full up, and no JMA progress was made.
I do have the knife blades back from heat treat, and will be surface grinding them this Saturday to their final thickness. I bought a Carbidizer, and will be using that to add a thin layer of Tungsten Carbide to the lock faces on the frames. This will make them more wear resistant.
I'm hoping to get to a few more of the Ti Mini Cubes, if time permits as well.
I'd like to say thanks for your patience, and continued interest.


vegassprky said...

I was wondering about that Kenn and now I know! Glad to hear what going on, so thanks for the update! Glad to hear you're ready for winter! That's why I like it here in So. Nevada!!! No snow or extreme cold, well most of the time anyway!! Have a nice weekend!!

Wes said...

Well why did you not say so Vegassprky! when do we all get to come down ;) Its starting to get a little chilly here in Ontario.

Kenny Awesome update brother :) Just remember the more you push out the more all the fans want haha so remember to take some well deserved time for R&R every now and then. We are at the big 32! congrats on that my friend.


Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

Thanks for checking in guys.
I just rolled into the shop, and set up the CNC to finish up a few straggler Ti Mini Cubes.
While that's going, I'll be doing some hand deburring on the Knife frames.

vegassprky said...

Wes, come on down!!!! :) And Kenn +1 on what Wes said about the R&R, remember to take it easy every now and then!!!! Have a great weekend everyone! Gary

eman said...


I think the surgeon did more than rebuild your back!

Amazing amount of "wood work."

You are on fire!


Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

I whussied out this year.
I bought it cut, split, and delivered.
Just had to stack it.
Usually I buy a Cherry Picker of log lengths, and do all the sawing, splitting, and stacking myself.
I think I'm spoiled now...:)