Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Nebuli SE Info"

Okay, since I've been getting a bunch of Emails with all kinds of questions pertaining to the Nebuli SE Knives I figured I'd post some information for you all.

The Plain, and Solid anodized versions will be $315.00 for USA folks.
This will include Pay Pal fees, and insured USPS Priority Mail.
Other destinations $330.00, and be forewarned I'm not responsible for the package once I post it.

The Fancy ones will run a bit more depending on what features I add to each one.
These as well will include Pay Pal fees, and insured USPS Priority Mail.

I will be posting a few at a time (4 or 5), and will give a heads up a few days in advance.
Lastly, I'm hoping to have some completed by years end, if not sooner.

The overall response has been great, and I can't wait to get these into your pockets folks.
Thanks so much,


vegassprky said...

These are a great little knife folks so don't miss out on them!!! Just love mine!!! And again Kenn do lke the looks of the little fixed blade you come up with(hint hint)so hope you decide to make a bunch!!! Thanks, Gary :>)

Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

Thanks for the endorsement Gary.
I'm glad you're enjoying yours':)
As for the Butcherettes, I've been toying with the idea of doing a run in Titanium with the cutting edge carbidized.
We'll see, gotta get the new Nebuli Knives done 1st.

Unknown said...

Have set my funds aside - I am ready for just a plain Jane Nebuli.

Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

That's the spirit Darriel...:)