Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Heads Up On This Evenings Sale"

Hi Folks,
There will be a handful of Nebuli SE's up for sale this evening.
Even if you're not in the market for one, I suggest you tune in to see what I've come up with for a new "Specail" feature. I'm really excited about these
I'm at the shop now adding the finishing touches, so sometime between 6, or 8 o'clock I'll post em up.
Enjoy your day,

EDIT: Looks like it'll be close to 8:00 for the sale.


masturfader said...

I'm excited. Wish I had cash though.

Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

Aw c'mon,
Check under the couch

masturfader said...

I looked. Wasn't nearly enough.

I just noticed that new pic w/the carbon fiber inlay. Very nice.

If there's a chance of getting a Ti thumb stud please let me know. (preferably plain or ano'd gold)


Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

EDIT: Looks like it'll be close to 8:00 for the sale.

melman8r said...

This is not good, getting very expensive visiting this website...

Kenn Jordan Jr. said...

Not sure what to tell ya.
You can always come by & help with the cord wood to work it off;)