Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Neptune Top SUS........Part Two

Hello all,
I have another 18  "Neptune Tops" ready ready for a sign up sale this evening.
Tellurium Copper, 1.200 diameter * .750 in height with a 1/16" 440C SS hardened ball tip.
Plain machined finish, I really dig the lines myself.
Nice little spinners.
USA = $55.00
OCONUS = $74.00

Sign up is Closed.
Here are the winners: 

20 Darriel 

10 Jerry M

12 Michelle P

13 Hey_Yo!

14 Nate

3 cindy h

15 Mr. Whippy

21 rockymtnnomad

4 Mark C

8 Matt S

16 Jared T

18 m_yo

9 kripto

2 Andrew W

17 ASH

1 Jeff R

19 Tritium

7 Rob Roy
Winning Email notifications are sent from SignUpSale.com , so be sure to check your spam folder.
Thank you,

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