Saturday, April 1, 2017

Tellurium Copper Hextuple Cube Sign Up Sale

 Hi folks,
Well the material I had ordered for the next planned JMA project on 3/26 has yet to arrive, so can't move on that unfortunately.
I did however have some drops of TeCu from the Oloid run, and wouldn't ya know it they were just the right size to do a little run of Hextuple Cubes.
Specs:  Made from Tellurium Copper with a .900 cubed outside dimension, sporting a hand rubbed scotchbrite finish.
USA price is $55.00
OCONUS price is $85.00
I have 20 available via a Sign Up Sale.
Sign up is Closed.
Here are the winners:
13Jack Reacher
10 Red Spinneret Sparrow
1 Chris Agostino
28 Ragnar Henry Radcliffe
12 Grumpyer1
44 Lone Labrador of the Apocalypse
7 Stealth McMasters
15 Benny Joan Spade
35 Harry Markel Santana Sabertooth
21 Zack Marika Jones
26 Merrick Cockparrot Blubber
16 Bras Jack Waring
31 Neurodoxy
39 Boaty McBoatface
38 Firebrand Horatio Morgan
40 jpimtools
33 Thomas Gavin Whisker
20 Mandroid
22 elfan
11 Not A Square
Winning Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder once the sale is over. 
Thanks much,