Sunday, January 14, 2018

Titanium SPA17 Sign Up Sale

Good day people of JMA, 
 As requested, I made a small lot of  "SPA17's" in Titanium.

 Physical specs:
Material is 6AL-4V Titanium.
The outside diameter is 1.725, and thickness is .375.
The center hole is 1.000 diameter, and the radial thru slots are all .1406 wide.
 USA = $165.00. 
OCONUS =  $195.00.
Sign up is Closed.
Here are the winners:
5     Harry Markel Michael K. Bizzarly    
4     Tempest Charles Scarblade    
6     Rusty Cockparrot Ace    
16     The jaws    
12     Did I win the Rolex?    
3     Jonathan Gavin Bill    
11     Paul Roger Napier    
9     Rip-Rap Black John Zack
1     Luck333    
13     Avery Chopper Kington    
7     Elaine Rodney Blubber    
8     Roan Rodney Lee    
15     Bluebeardheng    
14     Charlotte Arthur Zahab

Winning Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder once the sale is over.
Thank you,

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

TeCu SPA17 General Sale

Happy New Year,
 First JMA sale of 2018 is for 26 Tellurium Copper  Self Preservation Act of 2017, or "SPA17's".

Physical specs:
Material is Tellurium Copper.
The outside diameter is 1.725, and thickness is .375.
The center hole is 1.000 diameter, and the little thru holes are all .1406.

This is a a general 1st. come 1st. served sale.
***Sale is Closed***
USA = $85.00 for one.
USA = $165.00 for two.
OCONUS =  $115.00 for one.
OCONUS =  $195.00 for two.
The sale will end once all have been spoken for, or tomorrow evening 1/4 say 8ish Eastern time.
At that time you will receive an Email with payment information.
Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder once the sale is over.
Ever appreciative of your support,