Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bronze Coin Whistle Sign Up Sale

 Today I have  15 "Bronze Coin Whistles"  ready to go via a Sign Up Sale.
This will be the last sale of 2019.
Thank you so much for a wonderful year folks.

Physical specs:
 Material 932 Bronze
Outside diameter is 1.08"
Thickness is .375"
Plain machined finish.
These are slightly different from the brass version in that I opted to remove the "dimples" from the outside profile about the top, and bottom.

USA = $85.00
OCONUS = $115.00

Sign up is Closed 

Everyone who entered won!

7     Mary Jack Juan    
2     Ben Black Beard    
5     Sonja Angstrom Bizzarly    
6     Chief Bottle Washer    
10     Yellow Dragon Walker D. Mulligan    
9     Eskerbillion    
8     Anton Henry Murdoch    
4     Fishhawk Cockparrot Scarblade    
11     Sabertooth Jesamiah Zanzibar    
3     Totally not Randy    
1     Hesterman 

Winning Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder after the winners have been announced.

Thanks for checking in,

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

JMA Christmas Eve Give Away 2019

Merry Christmas all,
I'll keep this short as I'm sure you all are just as busy as I am today.
This years Christmas Eve give away items are as follows:

 932 Bronze geosphere
Tellurium Copper CuTecal
Tellurium Copper Mini Bic Buddy
And lastly an Aluminum Cube Sphere

One winner takes all.

Out of the 200 entries, the winner is:
194 Tatrus

Thank you so much for your support,

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tellurium Copper Geosphere Sign Up Sale

Howdy folks,

Today I have a small run of just 16 "Tellurium Copper Geospheres" for a sign up sale.

Each Geosphere is handled 10 times during the machining process.

Measuring .900" over the flats with 7/64, and 1/4 diameter thru holes.
These are sporting a sweet stonewashed finish.

USA price = $70.00
OCONUS price = $100.00

Yay....everyone who entered won!

Winning Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder after the winners have been announced.
Thanks for dropping in,