Saturday, February 15, 2020

Tellurium Copper Pocket Saucer Sign Up Sale

Hello all,
 Well, I'm still waiting for an opening in the lathe department to run the next JMA project.
I'm really hoping that'll happen soon as I'm pretty excited about it.... ;)
Anyway today I decided to goof around a bit however, and came up with these neat lil "Tellurium Copper Pocket Saucers".
Physical specs:
Material is Tellurium Copper
Outside diameter = 1.000"
Over all thickness = .550"
Each one comes with an attached SS split ring.

Sign up is Closed.
Thank you all for signing up.
Here are the winners:
13     Locke James Squint    
4     Gilbert Bartholomew LeFwee    
15     andysucks    
10     Jenet Chopper LaFoote    
22     Is that a saucer in your pocket, or...    
9     Chub Bee

USA = $65.00
OCONUS = $95.00

Winning Email notifications with payment information are sent from , so be sure to check your spam folder after the winners have been announced.

Thanks for you patronage,


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